Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Embedded system basics

Embedded System Basics

In electronics field there are two main streams.One is VLSI and another is Embedded System.You all know the basic overview of those field. In this blog I will discuss about the basics of Embedded System.
The meaning of Embedded System is to create a small computer for a specific work.Suppose WOTER LEVEL INDICATOR  - robot or a SMOKE DETECTOR-robot like that.
Now we are going to the main portion of Embedded System field.In this field one have to program a microcontroller (like 8051,PIC,ARM etc to specify which pin of that microcontroller will operate in which mode and when it will stop operating something like that) using a computer language(like C,C++,UNIX,).There are different types of languages in our hand to program the microcontroller like midlevel languages like C,C++  etc or languages like Assembly language.In the collages we studies the microcontroller in Assembly language but in industry C,C++,UNIX(Linux) languages are preferable and they mostly mostly use those type of languages.The main disadvantages of Assembly language is that  suppose if we make a project in 8051 in Assembly language and want to make the same project in PIC microcontroller then we can not use the code of that previous projet.Every time we have to write codes differently.And most of all the Assembly language of different microcontroller is different,there is no similerites between any microcontroller Assembly languages.
For this reason in this blog we will discuss about Embedded System in C language.
I am a Professional Embedded Developer and I am working in C language.

In our study first we should be acknowledge about the gadgets or electronic materials and softwares.
If you want to do your lab work in hardware  the you need
1.       Bread Board

2.       Microcontroller

3.       LCD

4.       Programmer(which is very essential and without this we cannot convert mid level language to machine code and program to the microcontroller )

Like many more electronics gadgets we have to require to test all in hard ware.But it will be very costly for a student to practice in his home.
But if you use simulator like Proteus , Multisim then you don’t have to need those electronics gadgets.You have to just write code in any compiler , create a hex file of this code and simulate in those simulator.In those simulator there are large amount of electronics devices.You have to just drag and drop those devices in your project page and run it.
In the later topics I will show you how to use simulator but today I will discuss about some topic on 8051.


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